Welcome to the Children’s Forum Board of Directors website. It is our intent to provide you with all of the resources you need to provide good governance as a member of the board. You will find two options as follows:
- Board of Directors Member Manual – This page will provide you with all of the legal documents, board meeting records, financial records, and related resources that you may need to access as a board member. This also provides an excellent opportunity for new board members to be oriented to the work of the Children’s Forum.
- Board of Directors Meetings – This page will provide you with all of the relevant materials for quarterly board meetings and can serve as your resource to review in advance of the board meetings or if you will be attending the meeting via teleconference.
These pages are designed to provide easy access for our board members. Please let us know if there are other resources or information that would be beneficial to your service on the board. You are important to us and we sincerely appreciate your dedication, time, and commitment to the children and families in Florida.
With gratitude,
Erin Smeltzer
President & CEO