The Children’s Forum is on the front line of research on the early care and education (ECE) workforce and the impacts of local quality improvement initiatives in Florida. Armed with a staff bearing collective work history in diverse settings like state departments, academia, and ECE programs, the Forum is adept at sharing findings with wide audiences.
Research shows that early learning experiences impact children’s brain development, well-being, and academic success.
Rigorous research is essential to inform policy and practice decisions to positively influence children and those who serve them.
The Children’s Forum manages both of the ECE workforce data registries in Florida (located in Palm Beach and Miami-Dade Counties) and conducts policy relevant studies in the field. Recent examples include:
For additional information or a quote for management, research, and evaluation services, please contact:
Dr. Melissa Clements or Dr. Phyllis Kalifeh
(850) 487-6300